Sunday, 28 November 2010


It has been absolutely ages since i put anything on here, the days just fly by and I keep on knitting. It's difficult to get good pictures of my finished knits, but I will just put these pics up, so I have proof that I am not just sitting here doing nothing. 

Saroyan is a Christmas present for a certain someone in Norway, no name mentioned just in case she is on here;)

 I have used King Cole Riot
needles: 4mm

Last weekend we also went for a drive further up north, and I managed to take a couple of photos before the battery in my camera was completely flat.

The pictures are taken somewhere on the way to Aberfeldy, we didn't use our own car for this trip.and drove up a hill on and over the mountain to get there.

Husband didn't want to put too much petrol in the tank as it was to be delivered back to the agency in a day or two...yes you guessed it...Once again : Lack of petrol. 

This is our third tim running out of fuel, well almost : engine starting to cought kind of days..
I even warned hubby saying..fill iupup the tank, there are no petrol staions in Scotland., Well, they do exist, but going up north, don't bet that there will be one in each town you get to, and none on they way either unless you are on the motorway.

First time: Along Loch Lomond, after having driven up to Fort William..on our way back we drove with nothing in the tank FOREVER. Managed to get to Alexandria, and found a JET station~(or smth like that)

Second time, going home from Blackpool, and we actually had to turn the engine off and just roll down hill for miles and miles..we found a petrol station at 8.57, it closed at 9..!! AND we hardly had any money to fill up the tank..Ahhh, now that was a nightmare! BUT ..we did drive through Sanquhar which reminded me of the Sanquhar pattern, trust me to find something knitting related;)

Third(and hopefully last) Last weekend going to Aberfeldy, I hope it never happens again!!!
This is what we really wanted to see on our trip, but of course with our was just closed for the day. Did see the the crannogs even if we didn't get a tour .

Hopefully no more excitement on our little outings with the car, please!!!