Ah, yes.. I am back again after a little while of being away. Not that I have actually been anywhere...but it is the case of my mobile phone deciding it's not wanting dropbox anymore..and thenI couldn't get any photos on here..and I just can't get myself to write weekly without photos.
Luckily, I now have some help from the Princess (now 10) and I can use her camera.
Anyway, I wanted to show yo my current knitting project, well, atleast a little taster of it.
I guess the whole idea with this one was that it needed to be finished by 17th of May..but first and foremost, it was waaaaaayto big so I had to start over again, second..we wont be celebrating our normal 17th of May in Edinburgh this year. Princess has her 100th year birthday party for the Brownies and she is going.
It clashes completely with the Edinburgh celebration...but now I don't need to have it (the Bunad) finished until 17th of May 2015,...Guess that'sjust a very good thing!