Happy New year from Scotland.
I haven't been as active on the blog as I wanted to, so my new years resolution is that I want to be more active in every aspect in life.
I started yesterday with 15 minutes walk on the treadmill, and that is a prettyg ood start of the day.
Last year I ran 80.06 miles, and I really want to try to get the 300 this year.
i hope everyone had a great Hogmanay celebration, and look forward to the new year.
I am considering a week off from Facebook, as it really is a time stealer.
I also promise to update a little more when it comes to knitting, food and organising stuff.
One of my most recent "new" hobbies are journalling, but also planning.
So, may 2016 be a wonderful year for us all..
And may the Force be with you!!