Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Home alone

It is Wednesday, and I have been home alone all day.
Kris left at 7 this morning and he won't be back until tomorrow evening. He's away down in Bristol for work. Maria is still at school, she usually has orchestra practise after school, so she doesn't finish until 16.45. I assume she'll be home in about an hour.

I have been really good today, I have done some laundry and I have tidied up in the bookcases in the living room. I also dusted of course. I tried to organise the books a bit better, so now I have the ones I am keeping separate from the ones I'll probably donate back to the charity shops when I bought them.

Some of these books are old, and used to belong to my grandparents. I will keep those for sure.

I miss my cat, I miss her purrs and her soft fur.  I miss her reply every time I'd look at her or just say her name. I miss burying my face in her fur and smell the outdoors in her fur. I  miss the best cat in the world.
I like dogs, I like them a lot. But I love cats.  It is how it is.

Also, after watching a YouTube channel quite a bit the last few months, I have once again realised how fragile life can be.
So, people..take care of each other.

God Bless , Linn

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


Here in a new little introduction and the other one only lasted one day..
We are :
myself: the mother and the wife,
one husband
one daughter
one dog.

Our beautiful, friendly, noisy, annoying, lovely, loyal, purring, meowing, sleeping, playful, amazing, ever best friend any girl could ask for.

Our lovely Solveig is no more. I hate cars.

RIP 19.10.19

Solveig-designstyle-love-heart-l.png (150×150)

I will miss you forever and ever...!

Friday, 18 October 2019

Time to breathe

Times goes by ever so fast these days, and it feels like I hardly have time to stop and breathe.
Not that anything special is happening or going on, I just do not feel relaxed, I don't even feel like I am happy or satisfied.

I am not sure what the reason is, I am trying to figure it out.
So, things has changed in my mind and I don't feel like writing a knitting blog I considered starting a brand new blog, with a clean slate and all that jazz.
But, I am still here,  still on this same place, just continuing my journey and expanding my blogging horizon.

So I am starting fresh at the old place.

Hi everyone, I am Linn, I am from Norway and I live in Scotland, I have one husband, one daughter, one cat and one dog.

I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, sewing, penpalling and I enjoy trying to keep my house simple and tidy.

The last one, keeping the house simple and tidy is an everlasting journey and battle.
I will try to be very honest in everything I write and show.

The plan is to try to get into writing every day, when I am not at work. I am working this weekend, so unless I post something later today, I won't be back until Monday. 

 Have a great Friday lovelies, Linn

Friday, 18 January 2019


Good afternoon, I am here once again. It has been a while since I was here regularly. But, I am planning to be here quite a bit more in the future.

Not posting about anything special, just whatever is going on in my life.

For some time I have felt uneasy using Facebook, so over the last months I have used it less and less. On purpose. I joined Facebook back in 2007, that is quite a while ago and I think I may have outgrown it by now.

There are a few things I am interested in these days, and this is probably what I will cover here.

I will try to be here on my days off work, which will not be many this month, but something is better than nothing.

Until next time, do take care.
Linn x