It's june, and I wonder how we got here.
My work has changed quite a bit lately, from supporting only one client for over three years, I have been supporting several others since March and the last month I am supporting some clients that I get on with really well.
I did not enjoy my work in March and the beginning of April, but at the moment I am loving it. The hours are long, and I am starting to get really exhausted so I hope I can get some colleagues to take over some of my shifts so I don't have to have shifts between 8 -21 five days every week.
That was all about work.
Next is dog.
Our precious dog was bitten by another dog last Thursday night when out for her evening walk. Two emergency surgeries later, removal of 20% of her lungs and 4 days in intensive care, doggie is recovering at home.
So far we are half way, another 5 days and she should be out of danger.
Medication three times a day and a nasty wound on her side...I really hope she will be ok!!
The hospital sent her home with an air filled collar to make sure she doesn't lick her wound, much better than the lampshade type collar she has used before.
So, the last few days has been very dramatic here in our house, and she is still not out of danger and greyhound can get bloodclots alot easier than other breeds.
I will just pray she'll continue to heal and that all will go well.
I do have a few other things on my mind, but I will save them for another day.
Here's a nice picture to finish off today