Saturday, 28 November 2009

Christmas is coming

Yes, indeed. We are really getting closer to a new Christmas, and I was rather shocked to learn that the first Sunday in Advent is just a few days away.

Luckily I am kind of on track with all the present  I wanted to knit, and last week I finished another one, this autumn's first scarf

I really love this colour and I guess I should add some details about it.

Wool: King Cole Mirage
Needles; 4mm
Mood: Happy!

It was even fun to attach the fringe in the end, and hopefully the receiver will like it:)

I have already started another few presents, and they will be going to Norway and I will have to post them as soon as possible, just in case we're not going this year either.

I have started putting up Christmas decorations, and will finish it this weekend, and a few days ago I received my advent calendar from Vibbedille , this is a swap at Hobbyboden and I really can't wait to start. I mailed her calendar almost two weeks ago, and it seems it NOT there yet. I really hope it will arrive today or Monday. I will feel absolutely terrible if its late. I do blame Royal Mail!! Imagine two weeks across the water? and Vibbedille's package took only 6 days??

Oh, this will be the same as last year, I will put a picture of the calendar package here on my blog, and I will do my best to do so every day, but I cannot guarrantee it...!

please,please please... Royal Mail deliver the calendar!!!

1 comment:

  1. Forhåpentligvis kommer julekalenderen fram i tide. Etter julekalendervenn fra Hobbyboden har jeg også begynt å glede meg til desember, gitt.


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