Wednesday, 19 March 2008


As it's eastertime..the nursery has a easter bonnet parade, and i crocheted two flowers to go on her hat(did i mention the nursery girl has been ill with a fever since yesterday and wont actually make the parade).

i think the flowers are so cute, and i know now what flower to make for the knit'n stitch group:) it was really to make and i am so happy withthem. the pattern is SkaMama's.
and one flower is yellow, because March is a yellow month!

did i mention that i am getting a bit bored with my fishblanket? atleast i am getting the mermaid together.. i know it will be really nice when i am, finished...but until then i just have to keep going!
wish me luck!

today will be a non-computer day and non-knitting'll have to wait until the evening..i have tons of housework to do..eeek, have ignored it for a few days! that's all for today folks!

big hugs


  1. Så fin hatten ble. Dumt hun ikke fikk brukt den, håper hun er frisk igjen nå. Spennende side der du hadde funnet blomstene - den hadde jeg ikke sett før. Har ikke heklet etter engelske oppskrifter før - bare strikket, men det skal vel gå bra...

  2. Hei, takk for besøket!
    Jeg har begynt på den andre bunaden nå. Sortert trådene og sånn. Det er litt av ei dørstokkmil å komme igang skal jeg si deg!!

    Du burde kanskje åpne opp for at en skal få kommentere anonymt? Det er ikke alle som har Google-konto.

    Fortsatt fin søndag.


Hi, thank you for the visit, hope to see you soon!