and this is the finished smetteskjerf for my step-niece Nora, she'll be one just after Christmas. Baby Born doll Alisabet is so nice agreeing to model for me:)
last but not present for my dad, i think it's called ~Fisherman cap...and i found the pattern on ravelry somewhere. nice and easy to knit. and of course, King Cole Mirage:)
oh, there's one thing i have forgotten to tell Hobbyboden, we are exchanging Advent swap partner is Henrikke, and she has sent me an enourmous parcel...and i can't wait for dec. i can open my first pressie! i will try to be good and blog eveyday with a picture of that day's pressie!
tomorrow, will not have much time for any knitting or crocheting..first in the morning we'll be going to the Christmas fair at the local school, then it's time to go shopping, and later in the evening i'l be at my pal Lynne's birthdayparty. this is going to be a great weekend!
have a good one! november hugs from me:)