Friday, 28 November 2008

november knits

Good morning everyone, the sun is shining outside, you'd think it's summer..except for the fact that it's freezing cold out there. i am showing you my "vibette" blanket, it's kind of like the Babette one..although i have named it after a lady at Hobbyboden, Vibbedille. this is how much i have's going to be a king size bedspread, to replace my orange elephant one during the wintertime...yes, i like to keep the bedroom cold, but i don't like to BE cold.
and this is the finished smetteskjerf for my step-niece Nora, she'll be one just after Christmas. Baby Born doll Alisabet is so nice agreeing to model for me:)

last but not present for my dad, i think it's called ~Fisherman cap...and i found the pattern on ravelry somewhere. nice and easy to knit. and of course, King Cole Mirage:)
oh, there's one thing i have forgotten to tell Hobbyboden, we are exchanging Advent swap partner is Henrikke, and she has sent me an enourmous parcel...and i can't wait for dec. i can open my first pressie! i will try to be good and blog eveyday with a picture of that day's pressie!
tomorrow, will not have much time for any knitting or crocheting..first in the morning we'll be going to the Christmas fair at the local school, then it's time to go shopping, and later in the evening i'l be at my pal Lynne's birthdayparty. this is going to be a great weekend!
have a good one! november hugs from me:)

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Good Evening everyone! how are you all doing? i have been very busy knitting away! i have finished another christmas present, for my uncle this time, this is another Jacques Costeau hat, by Typy..and this one i have once again used King Cole Mirage. I love this colour here, and i do hope he'll be happy with it!! I can't believe we are this close th Christmas, my princess is asking me if we are to get the crhistmas stuff out yet..but i do think we need to wait a week or so..well, the plan is to decorate on dec 1st.

I have also finally finished the Baktus scarf that i started ages ago. i have used some sockwool that i got from my secret pal at Hobbyboden..i don't even remember who it's a few months ago now...
I am kind of bored with my knitting these's so slow, well..i don't know what. i guess i am getting a bit bored with knitting hats...especially hats for other people!!well, after christmas it'll be other stuff on my needles indeed!
well, i'd better stop my rambling for today, and it's time to make the dinner anyway...chicken in the wok with peppers, pineapple and dessicated coconut coming up!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Good morning everyone,
i thought i had no photos to show you, until i remembered the christmas pressie i finished last week. it's a hat..jacques costeau i think it's called by typy.... i have done it a bit different, and am making another one to try to do it the correct way.

but i have had some thoughts lately...i know it's christmas and i still have a few pressies i need to finish before i send a huge parcel away to norway...but..

i am not enjoying the knitting..when i knitted the mystic water lace shawl. i made sure i enjoyed every bit..and that i wasn't in a hurry to finish, and lately i have again gone back to that: wanting to finish in a hurry so i can start on something new. i need to learn to enjoy my knits. do you know what i mean?To actually enjoy every little stitch, it was a god feeling:) and if i do that i am sure i will managed to finish those hats and be very happy with my results.

that's my thoughts of the day, ENJOY the knitting everyone!

Friday, 7 November 2008


just a real quckie here..i ought to get myself ready for taking my princess to the nursery,and i have to go down town ..need to get a few things for my advent calender swap, i need to send it pretty soon if she is to have it by dec 1st.
anyway, i finished my first calorimetry last week i just didn't get around to put if up here. i love it and have been using it almost every day. this will not be my last calorimetry ..oh no, not at all.
but..sorry this is ever so short..btw, before i go..still king cole mirage i have used:)
will be back with some more things next week, if not before.
it's friday, so have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


good afternoon everyone! i am taking advantage of nursery time (princess at nursery, me home alone) to update a bit. On saturday i finished this Gilmore vest, i have used New Lanark Wool, is absolutely lovely on, and i think vests or slipover will be something i will wear a bit more. i have never been much of a vest-user..but after this one..oh yes!
besides, this Gilmore vest is just reminding me of a tv series i used to watch when living in Norway..and i loved it..and have just recently found in on tv in uk..The Gilmore Girls,and my fave is Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore. as i watch the series over again now..i got several new ideas...vests and jumpers... So when i actuallty get around to make the "new" ideas i will let you know:)

but for now, i will try to finish the Calorimetry while watching Gilmore Girls(of course)!
have a great day everyone, and thank you for visiting me. Come Back soon:)