Sunday, 8 January 2012


It's Sunday already, my goal for the day is to finish writing a letter to my dear friend Mari, and to knit a bit more!

i  have alreay started 4th repeat of ten, and hopefully today I will finish the 4th and start on the fifth repeat. I am kind of hoping to have it nearly finished by Wednesday because my plan is to get the wool to continue on my cardigan.

My cousin announced he is engaged, so maybe a wedding in a year or so..IF we're invited that is;) I kind of hope so, cause i'd love to show off the new me!  I am not new yet hahaha, but by summertime, I will be very different from what I am now!

Anyway, time to do the dishes and get some lunch!

1 comment:

Hi, thank you for the visit, hope to see you soon!