Saturday, 31 December 2011

Summary and stuff

The old year is nearly history, so a tiny little summery is due..!

I......knitted and crocheted 11276 meters in 2011
I......wrote 104 letters in 2011 1 book in 2011
I      lost 7.5 kilos in 2011

I guess in some areas I can do better!

2012 will be even better than 2011, I am sure of it..more updates, more everything...all I am waiting for is for 2012 to actually start and that my stuffy ears from the plane yesterday will open up ASAP..because it took me nearly a week to hear properly last week..

And last but not least....At the end of the old year, I will say a big happy birthday to Christoffer I think he turns 4 this evening and I hope I have spelled his name correct..his mum will have to correct me if I am wrong.

Time for a rather late breakfast and some ear opening exercises!!
Until nest time..take care peeps!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Believe it!

Seriously!!! Believe it...I was 79.4 this morning...and I am almost near 78......78!!!!! I didn't thinkI would do it before Christmas, last year the Christmas eating started early December..and yes I have eaten the Kransekake  that we baked, we had to bake twice cause we ate it alll...hahahhah! Typical!!

But still, I will go to Norway near enough 8 kilos lighter than what i was last time they saw me. I don't know if they will see such a huge difference, as this time I don't feel so different. But doesn't matter that much (just a little) because I am still far of my goal. Goal is supposed to be....quite a bit less, let's just leave with that.

Am i obsessed with weight...a little, because if Iam not, I don't manage to lose weight..and being 87 kilos is not what I would like to be again. This time I will get straight back in there when we come home, and today I am going to purchase a new trackbook that will be waiting for me for the new year 2012.

I am very hopeful for 2012, very actually! I have managed to be so focused since August, I am sure I will manage to continue...and also there's some new programme material out and I can try it out. Filling and healthy!! It is really working and I am truly amazed!!!

Well, I better get ready, I will soon be picked I have contace lenses to put in, kids clothes to get ready...brekfast to fix...yes,..see you later!!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


I can not believe it's 21st of December today, time has just passed so fast this year, atleast these last few weeks has just flown by.

Today was the last day of school before Christmas, Catriona had been unwell last night but she was fine this morning so she got to school , swapped presents with Emma and got pressies from Miss Douglas too.

It is finally time for bed for Catriona, and I will have an hour or two of peace before the day starts tomorrow again.
Tonight the candles are burning and it's cosy and nice in our livingroom.

May the peace and tidyness last the whole year of 2012!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Ble litt inspirert av Lisemor idag :)
1. Hvor gammel kommer du til å være om 10 måneder
34 år og nesten 4 måneder
2. Tror du at du har giftet deg til da?
Regner med at jeg forstatt er gift ja..
3. Hvem snakker du mest med på msn?
Snakker ikke på msn, ikke noen andre chater heller forresten, mest telefon...ringer farmor ei gang i uka jeg..!
 4. Husker du hvor du var 11. September 2011?
Nei, men jeg huskerat det var noe på nyhetene om NY
5. Hvem ringte deg sist?
6. Hvilken CD står i CD-spilleren din?
Har ikke cd tror kanskje at Madonna er i Catriona sin...!
7. Har du kjæledyr?
Jepp, lille Solveigpusen
8. Når var siste gang du drakk kaffe? 
Noe timer siden
9. Er foreldrene dine gift?
ikke med hverandre, det vil si..pappa er gift på ny og mamma er skilt for andre gang
10. Når så du din mor sist?
I sommer
11. Liker du å reise med fly?
Nei egentlig ikke

12. Hvor mange land har du bodd i? 
to, Norge og Skottland
13. Hvor mange byer har du bodd i?
Grimstad, Kristiansand, Klepp, Porsgrunn, Oslo og Hamilton
14. Hvor mange søsken har du?
En hel, 1halv og to ste
 15. Kan du plystre?
16. Hva var det siste du spiste?
middag tror jeg...pastaskruer, kjøttdeig og broccoli tenker jeg
17. Hva er din favorittiskrem?

All iskrem (fra Hennig-Olsen)!!
18. Hva ser du frem til?
Se farmor igjen til jul
19. Er det noe du vil fortelle til noen?
Ja, emn det får vente
20. Hva gjør du om en time?
21. Liker du kaffe?
Bare hvis det er fullt av sukker og melk 
22. Hvor mange kopper kaffe om dagen?
Maks 5
23. Er noen forelsket i deg?
Tviler jeg på.
24. Ville du sovet med noen andre, eller sovet alene?
Komme an på
25. Har du noen gang blitt snakket til for å ha snakket i timen?
Hahaha, ja
26. Kan du spille poker?
27. Er du forelsket i noen?
28. Har du noen gang vært i Canada?
29.Hva var den siste sangen du hørte på?
haha, en link min søster hadde på Faebook, man husker ikke hvilken sang det var..
 30. Kjenner du noen som har bursdag samme dag som deg?
ja, flere
31. Hvor mange land har du besøkt?
EN hal haug...gidder ikke telle..sorry

32. Snakker du andre språk enn ditt morsmål?
Engelsk, svensk, litt dansk og enda mindre tysk-.littebittegranne fransk også
33. Har du lyst på piercing eller tatovering?
Har  piercing i øret, og vil egentlig ha tre totaovering, men siden husbonden ikke liker dem, så gidder jeg ikke!
34. Har du noengang vært i en ambulanse?
35. Svømmebasseng eller hav? 
Kommer an på...bade i basseng, men ellers elsker jeg sjøen
36. Hvordan er været hos deg?
Mørskt og kaldt
37. Spiser du frokost daglig?
Jepp, jeg fungerer ikke uten!
38. Hva er din favorittting å bruke penger på?
Garn tenker jeg

39. Hva var det siste du kjøpte?
Julepresang til Catrionas bestevenn Emma
40. Hva er ditt favorittprogram på TV?
corrie og Big Love
41. Kan du rulle med tungen?
Jepp :)
42. Kan du dykke uten å holde for nesa?
43. Sover du med bamser?
nei ikke vanligvis
44. Hva er din blodtype?
Husker  ikke...
45. Er alt lov i krig og kjærlighet?
46. Hvilken farge har du på soveromsveggene dine?
kaffe latte-ish...! 
47. Skrur du av vannet etter at du har pusset tennene dine?
Ja pleier det! 
48. Sover du med døren åpen?
49. Er du voksen?
Dattera kaller meg barnevoksen...så jeg vet ikke helt jeg..!
50. Har du tatt sol den siste måneden?
Nei, ikke siden høsten 2003 faktisk
51. Kan du skifte olje på en bil?
Har ikke prøvd enda, men fortell meg hva jeg skal gjøre så går det bra. ELSKER å bygge Ikea møb
52. Har du fått fartsbot? 
53. Er du avhengig av TV-en?
Nei, heldigvis
54. Liker du appelsinjuice?
55. Når du skrur av vekkerklokken din, pleier du å sovne igjen?
Hvis jeg ikke står opp snooze'en er vanligvis på en gang..eller to..!
56. Om du fikk sjangsen til å passe på en ape en helg, ville du gjort det?
Hei, eksta jobb i tillegg til alt det jeg vanligvis gjør..nei takk, litt mere fri skulle jeg heller valdt!
57. Hva vil du mer enn noe annet akkurat nå?
Egenlig begynne å vaske rommet
58. Kaffe eller energidrikker?
komme da helt an på
59. Hva er din favorittby?
 60. Hvis du ble jaget av en alligator, hva ville du gjort?
HAr ikke peiling..! En børn derimot,....DA vet jeg hva jeg ville gjort
61. Liker du håndskriften din?
Noen ganger, kommer an på hvilken penn jeg bruker
62. Hvilken sang hører du på mest?
Ironic, Alanis Morrisette
 63. Har du vært så full at du har besvimt?
Nei, men husker langt fra alt, og har blandet dager sammen..! 
64. Om kjæresten din var utro mot deg, hva ville du gjort?
Pakket sakene mine og flyttet til Norge
65. Når våknet du denne morgenen?
66. Har du søskenbarn?
Ja. 5 stykker
67. Hva liker du med deg selv?
Veldig lojal, ærlig og stiller opp om noen trenger det.
68. Hvem snakket du med sist?
Catriona, hun er stille bare når hun siste voksne jeg snakket med var Mora, hun kjørte oss hjem i dag..snille Mora! Hun skal få julekort i morra...
69. Hva er det verste faget på skolen?
Går ikke på skole, men det var vel matte tenker jeg
70. Hvor skal du bo når du blir eldre?
Vet ikke
71. Hva drømte du i natt?
Noe indre hyggelig...!
72. Hva er det meste du har betalt for en hårklipp?
to hundre pund, som da var rundt 2000 kroner..i Norge hadde det nok vært det dobbelte..så---4000 kroner...!
73. Hvor ble du født?
St.Josephs i Kongensgate, Kristiansand
74. Hvordan var din forrige helg?
Var vel en smule stressa da også...!
75. Hva er din favorittsang?
Det varierer 
76. Om valper aldri vokste opp, ville du kjøpt en?
Nei, hvem vil ha en umedgjørlig valp i 15 år..!
77. Hva er den beste iskremsmaken? 
Hennig Olsen is, sin pistasj...mmmmmmm!
78. Noen gang likt noen du ikke hadde sjanse på?
hahahahaha, ja stadig vekk i ungdomstida...!
79. Har du hjemmeside?
Nei, men jeg har blogg.
Den du sitter og leser på nå :)
80. Er det noen i tankene dine akkurat nå?
de jeg ikke hadde sjangs på...kunne nevnt noen navn...! Geir, Tommy, Øyvind( nei, ikke Lise sin Øyvind), David...!...haha, det var bare et fåtall...!
81. Kan du si alfabetet baklengs?
Tviler jeg på sykt dårlig på sånne baklengsting...
82. Kyss eller klem?
Kommer helt an på
83. Ville du forandret deg selv for en mann\dame??
Nei, men tror ikke jeg kunne selv om jeg ville..! Set i my ways...!

 84. Hvis du var født det motsatte kjønn, hva ville du hett?
85. Har du vært på scenen?
Ja, mange ganger..senest i Juni..danset foran 400 mennesker to kvelder...!
86. Hvem er favorittkarakteren din fra Star Wars?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
87. Ville du gjort alt for en person du er glad i?
Nei, det finnes vel grenser på det meste
88. Hva kledde du deg ut som din første Halloween?
HEks som vanlig...I forfjor
89. Hvem var den siste som gjorde deg sint?
90. Hvorfor det?
Mye å gjøre
91. Hva er din favorittfrukt?
Jordbær om sommeren..
92. Irriterere vennene dine deg?
Ikke alt kan skje
93. Har du et kamera?
94. Blogger du?
Ja., men ikke såp mye som jeg skulle..boir bedre i 2012
95. Er du kilen? 
Ja, men det er hemmelig
96. Hvem er/var din favorittlærer?
Økonimilæreren....hahah! men ellers passet Dag Vige sin læremåte meg helt perfekt! 
97. Hvilket godteri spiser du på kino?
søte popcorn...mmmmm!
98. Syns du gutten skal betale på første date?
Spiller ingen rolle...jeg betaler mitt, han sitt...det synes jeg er riktig!
99. Tror du folk snakker om deg bak ryggen din?
Det gjør de sikkert. 
100. Hva skal du gjøre etter denne testen?
Vake, så lage middag...! så vaske mere...så skal Catriona legge seg...og så må jeg pakke julegaver...og skrive julekort....og og og...! Blir en sein kveld kjenner jeg..!

Monday, 19 December 2011


Yep,k another rather large tidy up, this time everything that can be washed will be washed, and all magazines up of the floor...not so easy as I have hundreds of knitting mags. Yikes. But, our washing machine are constantly going, and we are taking the washed stuff the the laundrette to get it all dry. I still have alot of things to do, and I really do not have time to "hang" here on the computer.

Just saying hi, I am still here, but veeeery busy.Guess I should take some pics to show at some point. Oh, here came the mail, better run before Solveig the cat runs away with everything.

Friday, 16 December 2011


I did it! I DID IT....yesterday when I got weighed I was 79.8 kilos, I an under 80 and that was the goal , to be under 80 before Christmas.

AND there's still another week to go before it's actually Christmas..I am VERY happy! Must keep going now! Would be cool to be 79.5 before we head of to Norway. I can not believe that 1.August I weighed 87 kilo, and now 7 of those are gone.

The next thing I am going to do is to work out my goal for the summer.

Oh, there it that was quick. The goal for the summer is to weigh 70 kilos. I will do it! By my 34th birthday I will weigh 70 kilos. I am sure it's doable. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Yes, as so many years before..I have joined knitalongs...and maybe this year I will follow though? You never know, I mighe amaze you (and myself). As well as the saving my pennies per ball of wool I knit, I am going to at all times always knit something for myself. Even going to try to finish the Botanica Medallion,

 What do you say to that??? I supposed that it's not really going to be much of a challenge as I am quite a selfish knitter anyway. I think I have even finished all the Xmas pressies for this year as there. Organised- me? Nah..

At this time, I think I might have joined another knitalong, but I can't remember...whenever I do remember..I will let you know.

I know for a fact I have knitted alot less this year than last year...over 1000 meters less..that is just no good. Hopefully with these knitalongs, I'll keep myself busy. Unless work interrupts me of course.

Anyway, time to finish up..I have about 15 minutes to fasten some loose ends so I willl love you and leave you.Will be back with pictures of the Chrismasscarf I finished a day or two ago.

Thank's for visiting me, and please leave a message so I can thank you for zooming by.


As I mentioned earlier, I have been busy using a couple of other blogs for different things, and one of those blogs had to do with health, diet and basically losing weight. My ultimate goal is to be at MY Weight Watchers goal by the time I am 35, and the countdown is on the ticker at the top.

These last few days I have been doing something called Filling and Healthy option, and so far it seems as it is working. This morning, the weight showed 80.2, and the goal has been, and still is:
 to be under 80 before we go to Norway.

It seems I am En Route! I will continue doing the filling and healthy, or grenn highlighted if you'd rather call it that.
This morning I am away to sunny Shettleston, and I will ask the ladies there how they are doing. And of course give them my update. I am rather excited to be honest.

I will give myself time off during Christmas, but will try to take it easy and not eat cakes and chocolate all day long. It's early in the morning, and I guess I need to get ready for the day. Another busy day as usual.

Happy happy happy!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Oh dear

I can not believe thatI have forgotten, or not bothered showing off my took me a looooong time to knit, og course had I knitted only the one project it wouldn't have taken this long. Roughly 48 hours of knitting spaced out from 1 January 2010 - Septemer 2011. So here it is, finished and dyed with Kool Aid..purple grapes I think the colour was called.

Yes, sure I should really have pinned it out in the hall or livingroom, but our Solveig-cat looooves the playmats, and if I put them somewhere she could get to, it would be nothing left of them the next morning.
I used  Patons 100% pure wool, 3ply and needles...probably 2.5 mm. Love the result if I  must say so myself !
This shawl is for ME!


Monday morning, I am home alone...and got absolutely drenched on the way home from school, luckily I had a hat, scarf and selbumittens, so I was not really cold.

Talking about cold, I think I have cought one...I have starting coughing the same way my princess Kamma has been I guess it's better having a cold now BEFORE Christmas rather than during the celebrations.

The annoying thing is that husband Jon and I were supposed to start exercising tonight, guess I will do it anyway. I want to get on with it I think. I have mentioned it before..but the summer I want to be the P90 Queen. LOL!

Anyway, I do have a ton of housework to do today and it won't get done unless I actually start. So, here goes! Wish me luck people!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

At home

It's already Sunday evening, nearly Monday morning to be honest, and I am so happy that I can sit here and be on the net without any difficulties.

Tomorrow, it might be a busy day, must phone school in the morning, they might have their school concert instead of Thursday that was cancelled due to high winds here in Scotland (all schools were closed that day) here's hopeing that the concert is on and we get to see Princess and the school singing Christmas carols.

Anyway, it's late..I said i needed to get to bed early, and now it's nearly I'd better go.

Take care my friends.

Leap Frog

So, I might as well show my latest project, I finsihed it last week, just in time for the snow.The Leap Frog is a really cute pair of wollies, but I didn't really follow the pattern, just the idea of a cable down the sides.

 I have used Stylecraft Phases and 5.00 mm needle. They are actually a bit too long, typical me. But they have been used alot in just one week. So I guess it has really been worth knitting. Now to just remember to wash in not too hot water..previous woolies shrunk big style..and ended up fitting a baby..! Luckily Princess had outgrown them anyway...!

Now on to continue knitting, trying to finish a Christmas present before Christmas

Let's start

So, since I have decided to get started with some pics I should have showed you AGES ago..but here comes...

My sparealong, or saving along. It's a load of ladies and we are saving a vertain amount per 50g og wool we knit. BUT, I have to do it differently....i don't have alot of money, so for every ball of wool I finish, weather it being a full 100g or a tiny little leftover ball of wool I still put away 1£ in my bottle,.

Yes, bottle..I need to have a moneybank that I can't just take the money out of, so a plastic has to be cut open to get any money that is why it suits me.
Here's the picture

Ladies and gentlemen

Yes my dear friends, I am back in here...2011 has been a very slow year here on my blog but I have decided that 2012 will be a different year. I will not just keep this to my crafts, but a bit about everything. You see, throughout this year 'I have used a couple of different blogs, one for weightloss and one for personal stuff.

But to make it all easier for myself, I will put it all in the one blog. Am going to try and separate a big when it comes to different kind of posts and hopefully I will be a bit more eager with pictures too.

I might even start a bit early blowing some life into this part of life.
Take care until next time!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


So I joined another along...a whenever I finish a ball of wool I will put some oney away in a piggy bank. I will show you my moneybanks when I get started, it's due to start tomorrow but no worried..still a while to go before I can put any pound coins in there..

I just I'd let you all know about the new cool project..I am already putting a pound away every week I lose weight, so why not with wool I use?

Well, better go do some stuff now, c u later!

Monday, 3 October 2011

My newsocks...i knitted them superfast..only 5 days! My fingers hurt tonight as I have been kn itting like mad to finish,. It's a sockknitting competition and I hope I get to round two!!!

Friday, 5 August 2011


Well, so far....I went to Glasgow..and you'd think it was for shopping but no...justto do something different with my daughter. YES , I did buy something..but all can be explained...
1. keyrings, for the OslOve heart I have made, so it can come with me if I use the bag or the the rucksack
2. inkpad, or whatever it is I can use my embossing powder on my letters and envelopes
3. Schoolshoes for my daugher, her previous ones were accidentally dropped in the sea while wading toghtether with Lisemors kids and husband. It was also nice to meet Lisemor for the first time! Hopefully nt thelast, and my Princess LOVED playing with their three kids.

Anyway, new shoes were needed!
I also had an icecoffe..but NO sweets and I saw some fabric..well...fleece..and I am going to sew a fleece dress for myself this autumn! *YAY*

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


And I have started..Project STOP is on it's way. Last time I kept it going for well over three weeks until Hallowe'en, but this time it will be a full year..atleast I will give it a shot! 

I am going to Glasgow today, and will see if there's any material I could maybe use...want to sew something for myself that I can maybe use. Must of course also bring some fruit that The Princess and I can munch as we are there. It can be a long day, as hubby doesn't finish work until 5.30 ish! 
Princess is having a shower, better go check all is well in there!!
Day 1 , I am HERE!!!!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Project STOP !

I have been utterly inspired...yes, I have been inspired before...but I am once again !
What is the danger of trying out something new?

In my eyes it can only be a good thing. I have three projects ongoing...and I will start tomorrow...August 3rd. 
Project 1. Lose the weight
Project 2. 12 months without sweeties
Project 3. Shop-stop

I can explain what these things mean...! 
The first one basically means that I am going to lose the 30 kilos I am overweight. This is all.

The second part is what I have mentioned before, sometime last year...No bought sweeties..if I want anything I will have to make or bake.

The third one is also very important..I am not going to buy anything that I don't need. If I want something I am allowed to buy wool and material for making myself stuff...but change it to simplicity! 

I have more than enough stuff in my house, there is no need for more things. I am also of course allowed to get clothes and shoes for my daughter, and also shoes for myself, I walk alot and wear my shoes out in one year. 

BUT, this is a great project..and I will live with fruit and tea. Will also do my best to live a healthy natural life, and cut down on coffee consumption. 

I might even blog more often! Hurrah!

Wish me luck..!
Start ; 3. August 2011
Finish. 2. august. 2012


I have been on holiday to Norway, my home! It started out very rainy but still ok...then..I heard on the tv that there had been a big explosion in the Government buildings in Oslo...then a little later there were shootings at a place called Utøya...where around 700 kids were attending a political summer camp.

The disasterous thing happened, a man shot at the kids..and killed many...many to many...shouldn't have been one life lost, but it was. This day will forever be remembered as the worst happening in Norway after The Second World war..!

All I want to say is. Rest in Peace everyone, you will not be forgotten!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Finally DONE

Now my dear people, I have been working on this for a while now, and I am so glad that I have finished it today, this morning I fastened the last end. 
 Bedspread for my Goddaughter Bella. I doubt that she is reading my blog, so Ican freely post pictures..

And if you DO see this Caroline Isabell, I hope you like it...but you're not getting it until August 28th!
Big hugs

Saturday, 2 July 2011

I have joined Tour de France knitting challenge, So I will tell you that I plan to finish the crocheted blanket and the baby jacket I have had lying here since I started it in July 2010..It needs to be finished!!
I don't really have anypictures to show you just now., butI have roughly 25 squares left to finish and fasten...then of course I need to have an edge maybe a scalloped one, I do tend to like them. Well,I do have a while to make up my mind. 
I am excited to join in on something again..I know I have been writing alot of letters lately, and it feels as if I have ignored my knitting..BUt  I haven't, I have been focusing on this granny square blanket. Nearly done now!!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Oh Oh...

My blog has been unattended for months..andI HAVE felt bad for my beloved blog....But I haven't stopped knitting or crocheting..I have continued and I have some old photos to show you.

Here is my jumper knitted with Wendy Narvik, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that wool!!

I love it so much that I made a cardigan for my daughter, and it fits perfectly! 
Have a look at those buttons,. I got them from my friend Nan, my LYS owner and for this cardigan they were just right, atleast that's what I think!
Also last but not least...I have knitted the Accidentally girly mitts
and I love them too, really warm and comfy almost as if I can't wait for summer to be over...but than again..I wish it would start soon so I could enjoy some sunshine before Autumn DOES actually arrive!
I promise I will be updating more over the next weeks, I am trying to finish a blanket, a bedspread for my Goddaughter MUST be finished by July and I am working hard every evening..I can't wait to start knitting again!!